For three years, a network of over 75 professionals, professors, students and other collaborators worked on an extensive analysis producing proposals, "city visions" as we called it, presented in 15 events including conferences and exhibitions, in both Asia and Europe.
The first part of the project focused on filming, documenting and understanding of how ancient urban conformations of a city works, bringing all materials to a first exhibition to then start the second part of the program, an international cooperation between 5 universities (Tsinghua University, Polytechnic University of Valencia, University of Valladolid, Politecnico di Milano and University of Genoa) together with the Strelka Insitute in Moscow.
This cooperation led to numerous workshops and site studies, bringing to the creation of 11 strategies for the development of the city of Beijing. Exhibited during a further exhibition at the Beijing Design Week 2012 and following events, movie shootings and exhibitions were extended through 2013.
Hutopolis has been exhibited at:
Next stop: Hutopolis, Beijing, China
City Visions, Beijing, China
Biennial of Young Artists of the Mediterranean, Ancona, Italy